Empowering Communities through Eye Care
Preserving the Gift of Sight

Wills and Bequests
Designate the LEF as a direct beneficiary in your will, setting up trusts that gives you or a surviving spouse income for life, endowments, and the like. It is best to consult with a financial advisor and an attorney who is knowledgeable in estates and trusts who can assess what is best for you.
Future Vision Society
To honor those individuals who have included the Lions Eye Foundation in their estates, we have established the Future Vision Society. To become a member, complete the Honorary-Memorial Donation form confirming that the LEF is included in your will or trust. The amount of the bequest need not be stated. Each member of the Future Vision Society will receive a special lapel pin and certificate.
Your Donations
Whether from individuals or organizations, or whether from Lions or non-Lions, gifts to the Lions Eye Foundation of California-Nevada, Inc. (LEF) are deeply appreciated. The LEF is a locally based 501(c)3 corporation with EIN 94-1676055, and donations are deductible to the full extent of the law.
Following are some of the ways you can help:
Any Lions Club in the geographic areas we serve can become a member of the LEF by paying a one-time application fee of $100 and annual contributions to LEF. Member clubs are entitled to refer patients.
Click here to download Club Membership application form.
If you wish to make an Honorary or Memorial Donation please click here.

Don Stanaway Fellow Award
In honor of Don Stanaway's 30 years as Executive Director of the Lions Eye Foundation, the Foundation has created the Don Stanaway Fellow. For the contribution of $250 the recipiant will receive a specially designed Don Stanaway lapel pin and certificate. This is an affordable way to honor a member of your club. Proceeds from this award benefit the LEF Capital Campaign and major equipment purchase. This may be given as a memorial gift with an acknowledgement sent to whomever you designate. Click here to download a Don Stanaway Fellow application form.

Don Stanaway
Life Member Award
Like the Stanaway Fellow Award, this award honors Don Stanaway's 30 years of service as Executive Director of the Lions Eye Foundation. For a $500 donation, the participant will receive a Don Stanaway Life Member pin, a framed certificate, and a plastic banner attachment. Proceeds from this program will be used for the LEF Capital Campaign and major equipment purchases. This may be given as a memorial gift with an acknowledgement sent tp whomever you designate. Click here to download a Don Stanaway Life Member application.

Helen Keller Fellow Award
Helen Keller challenged Lions to become 'Knights of the Blind' and to devote their energies to improving the vision of mankind. The LEF has accepted this challenge, and has created a Helen Keller Fellowship Award to recognize those who commit at least $1,000 to the LEF. Both a plaque and a lapel pin are issued for $1,000. Proceeds from these awards benefit LEF General Operations. This may be given as a memorial gift with an acknowledgement sent tp whomever you designate. Click here to download Helen Keller application form.