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Lions Eye Foundation of California-Nevada, Inc.
Our Mission

The Lions Eye Foundation
Gives the Gift of Sight

Lions Eye Foundation logo

To preserve and restore the gift of sight by providing free ophthalmic examinations, operations, and medication to the less fortunate members of our community.

Who We Are

LEF Patient Referral Program

Patients are screened and referred by member Lions Clubs, physicians, health clinics, nurses, and opticians. There is no cost to patients. Examinations and operations are performed by Resident Physicians at the California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) under the supervision of volunteer board-certified opthalmologists who donate their services. Member Lions Clubs pay an annual contribution to the LEF to help offset operating expenses. The Lions Eye Foundation has a fellowship program that raises revenue as well.

Patient with Healthcare Nurse
Transforming Lives through Vision

Welcome to Lions Eye Foundation, an organization committed to improving vision care for all. As a recognized leader in the field, we are dedicated to funding research, providing education, offering free clinics, and engaging in community outreach efforts. Our commitment to vision care is unwavering, and we believe that everyone should have access to high-quality care. Whether you are looking for information on eye health, seeking treatment, or interested in supporting our programs, we are here to help.

Clear Vision for All: Meet Lions Eye Foundation

Lions Eye Foundation has been dedicated to improving vision care for over 60 years. We offer comprehensive treatment options for a wide variety of eye conditions, including glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy. With the help of our experienced and compassionate team, we provide personalized care that is tailored to our patients' unique needs. We believe that everyone should have access to the highest quality vision care, and we strive to make that a reality with every patient we treat.

Candid Guidestar Seal


Truly Top-Notch

The Lions Eye Foundation has earned the GuideStar Exchange Platinum Seal, which demonstrates the commitment to transparency of operation.


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